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Welcome to Unified 7!
Where We Serve Our Friends !

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Upcoming Donation Drives

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About Us

As a body of believers, Unified 7 endeavors to leverage our resources to transform the community, by ensuring that our voice is both heard and counted.

We leverage our resources, by providing programs that care for those that are unseen and passed by, in need of clothing, food, shelter, mental, physical and spiritual renewal, as well as job training and development. 

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Message From Our Executive Director

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About Us


Unified 7 leverages its relational capital with Community Partners to care for the needs of those who are impoverished and often overlooked.  We  provide services that address the whole person:  food, care, prayer and support in finding permanent housing.


Unified 7 intentionally seeks to care for the least of them; those who are over looked, ignored and some times stepped over.

Key Scripture

And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’  


Matthew 25:40 ESV

Vision & Mission

Our Values





Our Values

Service Locations 

Zone 1 - Eastover 

Zone 2 - Camp Springs

Zone 3 - Temple Hills 

Service Locations
U7 2020.11.29 Hot Meals FB.PNG
Homeless Initiative

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